Rapid7的单一代理 & Easy Setup are Key to 国防银行's 成功ful Security Posture






Unlike many other financial institutions, 国防银行 doesn’t exist to make profits for shareholders. Rather than being driven to make profits for shareholders, 他们将利润再投资回银行,以确保为会员提供他们应得的服务和有竞争力的产品.

国防银行 is one of Australia’s larger member-owned banks, 不仅为澳大利亚国防军提供金融产品和服务, 但更广泛的社区也是如此.


“威胁形势, both in general 和 specifically within the finance sector, exhibits a consistent year-on-year escalation.” states Nick Bellette, Head of Information Security & 国防银行的网络风险. 鉴于银行客户和金融机构自身面临的风险加剧, 伴随着不断增长的威胁环境和法规遵从性需求, 国防银行 recognised the imperative for a comprehensive solution.”

他们需要一个统一的安全解决方案平台,便于他们的网络安全团队部署和使用, that integrated with third-party systems, 和 provide visibility into their vulnerability risks 和 threats.


国防银行开始使用Rapid7 insighttidr进行云原生SIEM和XDR(扩展检测和响应)解决方案,并使用Rapid7 InsightVM进行漏洞管理. “Rapid7 satisfied our organisation's needs for incident response, 脆弱性管理, 和报告, excelling in each of these crucial areas.贝莱特分享道。.

Bellette couldn’t overstate the efficiency of deployment. “安装过程只需要一到两周的时间就可以完成, presenting no significant challenges. 在评估的SIEM解决方案中, Rapid7 emerged as the most user-friendly 和 straightforward option. 它的部署和使用直观地符合我们的操作需求, 简化采用程序,并促进与现有基础设施的无缝整合。”


据贝勒特说, Rapid7平台最突出的一点是基于代理的部署. “InsightVM和insighttidr采用统一代理已被证明是非常有利的. 这个单一代理提供了出色的端点可见性,同时保持了轻量级和用户友好的管理. 它有效地增强了我们的可见性能力,而不会强加过多的资源需求或管理复杂性.”

“在部署代理的那一刻, a comprehensive visibility into our environment becomes immediately available. 我们通过风险评分获得了关于漏洞位置的可操作的见解, enabling us to concentrate our efforts on targeted remediation. 系统内内置的优先级功能使我们能够有效地解决漏洞, ensuring optimal allocation of resources.”

在InsightVM之前,他们依赖于第三方的漏洞报告和人工检查. “Following the implementation of InsightVM, we achieved a notable reduction in vulnerability risk within a short timeframe. 在InsightVM中采用定期报告和实现资产标签已被证明是非常宝贵的. 这种能力极大地帮助我们确定修复工作的优先级, considering the challenge of addressing all vulnerabilities promptly. By leveraging the risk scoring functionality within InsightVM, 我们现在可以有效地优先减轻高度优先的脆弱性, thereby optimizing our remediation strategy.”

insighttidr用户行为分析(UBA)功能也使Bellette的团队受益,因为它提供了更多的见解和信息, 结果是, identified risky behaviors 和 misconfigurations for remediation.

Integration With Third-Party Systems

拥有一个单一的漏洞管理、检测和响应平台对国防银行至关重要. Bellette notes that with all the required tools, they could have ended up with many different platforms. “工具的整合不仅促进了更精简的操作环境,还加快了分析师的学习曲线和熟练程度. By minimising the number of tools 和 leveraging a single platform, 我们优化效率,使我们的分析师获得高水平的专业知识. 事实证明,这种统一的方法对我们团队的熟练程度和效率非常有益.”

那么与一系列第三方系统集成的需求又如何呢? 从一开始, we seamlessly integrated with our cloud services 和 various other systems, ensuring swift 和 efficient interoperability.他分享道. “The ease of integration was important”.

Centralized Reporting that Covers a Wide Array of Systems

Another key benefit Bellette found is centralized reporting. “The convenience of accessing all required data from a single platform, rather than logging into multiple portals, has significantly enhanced our operational efficiency. 这种集中的方法, 再加上Rapid7从我们的各种解决方案中摄取日志的能力, empowers us with a comprehensive overview of our systems. 结果是, 我们可以有效地简化我们的举报程序,并有效地处理任何可能发生的事故.”

MDR Peace of Mind With 24/7 Coverage

As their security requirements increased, 他们意识到需要持续的报道,这是他们当前的团队自己无法支持的. 是时候提供托管服务了.

“随着时间的推移, 在不断扩大的技术范围内,全天候覆盖的重要性呈指数级增长, underlining its increasing importance within our security l和scape.他分享道. “Incoming alerts out of hours posed a challenge, necessitating intervention during non-business hours. 这一认识强调了持续反应能力的必要性, as alerts can potentially occur at any moment.”

They evaluated a few managed security services providers, 但他们发现易于部署和平台本身正是他们所追求的. 过渡到24/7很简单,因为insighttidr和InsightVM部署在环境中. Bellette表示:“Rapid7的独特之处在于,它提供了比我们所看到的其他托管服务更多的服务,而且它的设置非常容易.”

The team at 国防银行 has a lot more peace of mind in the data, 伤检分类, 和 investigation process now that they are partnering with Rapid7 MDR. “通过实施耐多药耐药性, our event monitoring process has evolved with efficient event triaging. 这使我们能够放弃检查每一个事件,而是专注于优先事件. 我们有保证,在我们的环境中发生重大事件时, we will receive prompt notifications, 使我们能够有效地作出反应.他描述道。. “We are confident in the knowledge that if any critical incidents arise, necessitating immediate incident response, Rapid7 st和s as our dependable partner, providing us with a sense of assurance 和 peace of mind.”

进一步, Rapid7团队的合作和指导在发生安全事件时对他们很有帮助. Rapid7的MDR方面, 附带无限制的远程事件响应和专门的客户顾问, has significantly enhanced our organizational capability. 万一发生意外, we can confidently rely on Rapid7 as a trusted partner, enabling prompt access to their expertise 和 support. 另外, Rapid7从我们的各种云解决方案和端点中摄取日志的能力赋予了我们一个全面的概述, greatly facilitating any incident investigation we may encounter.”


现在,国防银行与Rapid7合作,差别是天壤之别. “我已经向我们的团队表示,Rapid7已经与我们的信息安全团队无缝集成, 作为一种宝贵的延伸. With their expertise at our disposal, 我们现在拥有可靠的资源,有技术熟练的专业人员,无论何时发生事故,都可以依靠.贝勒特解释道。. 与耐多药合作, “我们的团队可以通过不断加强控制来优先考虑积极主动的方法, conducting comprehensive threat analysis, 和 continually improving our security measures, 使我们能够将重点从日常警戒反应转移到加强我们安全态势的战略上."